화가의 발자취(年代記)

[청강 김영기]한국화가 송수련,한지화가 송수련,송수련 화백,宋秀璉,SONG SOO RYUN,송수련 작가,Hanji Painter SONG SOO RYUN

권동철 Kwon Dong Chul 權銅哲 クォン·ドンチョル 2020. 1. 2. 17:12

진주 경남도전 심사 때, 청강 김영기 선생과 함께. 1985

[My Life and Painting]Soo-Ryun Song(1)HORIZONS WITHOUT LIMITS



Song Soo Ryun has been walking along the path of Korean painting. The teachers of Song's time when he learned and learned Korean painting are those who are in an important position of art history following the spirit of modern and contemporary Korean art after liberation. Song Su-ryeon selected and provided long-held snapshots for a long time. In addition, the Eagle is a series of interviews with Park Cheol-hwa, a professor of Arts at Chung Ang University. It was composed it.<Editor’s>


Master Song, with her active silence, comes to transport the viewer onto same with her strange landscapes continuity, roads that seem to have no where solitary plants sway themselves thanks to a soft breeze from saltpeter with unknown origins.


The warmth of its textures are important to this piece, given not only through the density and structure of the paper itself or of any other support which she may use, but also by the way of facing the reality of artists.


One could talk about an oriental minimalism, possibly falling in a common place, as it is far from any baroque style. Master Song installs herself in nature with sobriety and with the certitude of knowing what she is doing there.


Of course, not only accepting the sensible inspiration of knowing she is privileged, but also knowing that only nature and its mysteries offer a Being the limitless horizons which enable the continuity of the love of human beings.


Nature is her primary source of inspiration, but also life and her loving dedication to teach others what she knows.



Artist, SO0-RYUN, SONG, was born in Seoul, Korea, on the date of Korea's Independence from Japan on the 15th of August 1945. Being born and brought up in Seoul is not merely a geographical background, but a significantly important factor in understanding this artist's world.


Song majored in "Traditional Korean Pictorial Art", yet later she went into expressionism and abstract art. Of course, not all decisions made in life can be given specific reason, but one may likely agree that many of her choices and decisions have been affected by her identity as a Seoulite.


On various occasions the influence of a mentor, the tide of the times or even various circumstances of chance or fate may determine someone's life direction. However, in SONG's "art world", she is able to depict her own illustration of nature within the midst of a city, and this interpretation is neither easily envisioned nor often considered.


In her world, nature seems to be compared, contrasted, and even opposed at times. Her characterization of nature is strengthened by glimpses of the city, and her ambiguous background.



I have wondered if her interest in nature is related to the fact having grown up in a major city like Seoul, and if the choices she made in balancing between nature and urbanization.


As for SONG,(한국화가 송수련,한지화가 송수련,송수련 화백,宋秀璉,SONG SOO RYUN,송수련 작가,Hanji Painter SONG SOO RYUN,한지작가 송수련,종이회화 송수련,KOREA PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN, KOREAN PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN) nature is not merely the 'stage' of life, but it is also the scrutinizing subject of beauty, so the nature has been transcended into the spiritual object, which needs empathy over the material boundary.


An Interview conducted by CHEOL-HWA, PARK(박철화): Prof. of Arts at Chung Ang University.


권동철 정리=202012일 이코노믹리뷰