이돈아 3

〔Interview〕Western painter Donah Lee|Hope to convey the noble mind through reinterpretation of folk painting (서양화가 이돈아, 李暾雅)

Donah Lee Despite of the time, the brightened atelier located at Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, presented her passion for art. Even though her works of Lotus used similar colors, it did not look weak. Refined lyrics and contemplation portray the energy of the work. The painter said “Folk painting was notified as hope and happiness, portraying the language and humor of ordin..

종합자료 2015.04.05

[Western painter Donah Lee’s world of art] Folk painting, Thriving energy of the present (서양화가 이돈아, 西洋画家李暾雅)

幸福-time&space 72.8×53㎝ mixed media, 2014 Lotus leaves form into a feast of colors. Vital anthems draw attention and expand the boundaries of thought. The vigorous growth of the Lotus rooted in the dirt and the square resembling skyscrapers are meeting quietly and vividly at the extension of time. She quotes : “The standing symbol of the background is ‘me.’ The up..

종합자료 2015.04.05

Donah Lee|민화의 현대적 재해석 통해 우아한 격조의 정신 전하고 싶다 (서양화가 이돈아, 이돈아 작가,민화의 현대화,한국전통 세계화)

화가 이돈아 서울시 서초구 방배동 작가의 아틀리에는 늦은 시간까지 불이 켜져 작업열정의 면모를 단적으로 말해주었다. 화실 벽엔 연(蓮)을 주제로 최근에 마무리된 분위기가 사뭇 정중하기까지 한 몇 작품들이 수줍은 듯 세워져 있었다. 동일한 계열의 색채를 절제한 화면은 그러나 ..