전시 소식

[Soluna Fine Art Gallery]Hanji Artist SONG KWANG IK,Tong-in Gallery,통인갤러리,통인화랑,솔루나 파인 아트 갤러리,SONG KWANG IK

권동철 Kwon Dong Chul 權銅哲 クォン·ドンチョル 2019. 11. 13. 21:14

Artist SONG KWANG IK(송광익 화백)

Artist Song Kwang-ik will hold a private exhibition at the Soluna Fine Art Gallery in Hong Kong from Nov. 22, 2019 to Jan. 9, 2020.


Hanji(韓紙) is a traditional Korean handmade species made from the inner bark of the native mulberry tree.


       지물(紙物, paper things), 한지에 아크릴(Acrylic on Hanji) 60×40, 2011

Within the exhibition, Soluna Fine Art Gallery(솔루나 파인 아트 갤러리, 홍콩)will present nine works that demonstrate the artist’s delicate technique in manipulating Hanji(Korean paper) to create sculptural-like paper works that can be envisaged and re-imagined as Asian and Oriental architecture.


     지물(紙物, paper things), 한지(Hanji) 140×110, 2017

On the Selection of Hanji


“Prior to 2000, I worked with a variety of materials and objects as well as oil paint, but experiment emerged. There is a saying in Korea that ‘stagnant water is bound to corrupt.’ I think as an artist I have to keep pushing boundaries until the end.


Hanji paper has been one of the greatest and oldest inventions of my own culture, and it is a very appropriate material for me to use in my art. The flexibility in paper allows it to adapt to a variety of changes and manipulations, which provides me room and freedom to work with.


            지물(紙物, paper things), 한지에 아크릴(Acrylic on Hanji) 100×60, 2018

I(서양화가 송광익,송광익 작가,송광익 화백,한지작가 송광익,한지추상화가 송광익,KOREA PAPER,宋光翼,ソン・グァンイック)want to reveal the spatiality and the refraction of light, the translucency and the penetrability between space.


Hanji made of paper mulberry is a material that breathe and whispers. It communicates. It is both visible and invisible, which is different than the modern paper that we are used to.”


<Among the interviews with painter Song Kwang Ik and managing director Lee Gye sun of Tong-in Gallery/종이회화 송광익-통인갤러리 이계선 관장 인터뷰 중에서>


권동철=이코노믹리뷰(ECONOMIC REVIEW), 2019년 1113