화가의 발자취(年代記)

단색화 최명영,Dansaekhwa:abstract paintings of Korea Artist CHOI MYOUNG YOUNG

권동철 Kwon Dong Chul 權銅哲 クォン·ドンチョル 2020. 1. 14. 17:59

화가 최명영(Artist CHOI MYOUNG YOUNG)

[2019]Dansaekhwa-Korean monochrome painter Choi Myoung YoungⅡ‥A new way of thinking about the concepts


Choi realized the value of knowledge obtained through arduous investigations and archiving, and headed toward the origin of language systems. Unexpectedly, his research led to an exploration of bodily language that few people continue to use and revived its value, an endeavor that ultimately helped him to access the deeper

essence of human beings.


Through his work, Choi shares the characteristics of the original language of human beings. His language-based work methods provide a way of revealing and preserving human memories.


Such work experiences enabled him to enter deeper into the innermost depths of human beings and weave each individual's disparate stories. Basing his methods on a consistent linguistic logic creates a bigger body of text consisting of diverse originsit also establishes a way to receive different stories as they are, while respecting the distinct perspectives and contexts of their provenance.


In practice, he writes down the text using his body or hands, which is a process that aspires to emulate the origin of the bodily language and forge its own unique

characteristics. He openly receives rough dialectics and even contradictory stories to develop a better under-standing of conventional languages and create a space where people can interpret them in their own ways and converse about those languages/stories.


Unlike ordinary lettering systems, the letters in Choi’s work are not divided into different sounds; rather, he constantly overlaps different concepts and notions of various matters until, ironically or paradoxically, it finally becomes a simple entity. Without a specific statement, his work only presents the ways in which he receives and holds different [con]texts.


The[con]texts are linked to each other simply, briefly, and loosely, and the process behind his work unfolds like a regular spell until it expels a certain sense of fear.


By doing so, Choi(Dansaekhwa-Korean monochrome painter CHOI MYOUNG YOUNG, Dansaekhwa:abstract paintings of Korea Artist CHOI MYOUNG YOUNG,최명영 화백,최명영 작가,단색화 최명영,단색화:한국추상회화 화가 최명영,모노크롬회화 최명영,단색화가 최명영,韓国単色画家 崔明永,韓国単色画家 チェイ·ミョンヨン)presents his unfettered way of thinkingraising questions on anything he is curious about-and provides the audience with a new way of thinking about the concepts and notions of various matters.


Kim Yongdae/Independent Curator, the former director of the Daegu Museum of Art


권동철=2020114일 이코노믹리뷰